Question Topic
Dishwasher Black Rubber Buildup

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Dishwasher, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about dishwasher black rubber buildup.

QUESTION from iggy on 10/1/2008
We have a GE quiet power plus dishwasher. Latley we have noticed pieces of black rubber varying in size at the bottom of the dishwasher, both inside and as well on the outside at the bottom of the door. We notice them after a cycle. Is this the end of our dishwasher or will it be worth it to call a repair guy? The warranty is no longer valid.

Dear Iggy:
Even though your dishwasher is no longer under warranty, I would suggest calling GE's "Answer Center" at 1-800-626-2005 (toll-free), and ask them for their recommendation. I expect that they will need to ask you some questions such as: whether you are seeing any water leaking from your dishwasher; or if something made of black rubber might have accidentally been placed in your dishwasher; or whether you notice any of your door gasket missing; etc.
If they are not able to help you, please let us know, and we can try something else to help you.