Question Topic
Fireplace (Gas) Pilot Issues

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Fireplace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about fireplace (gas) pilot issues.

I have a G6 Peterson Real-Fyre log set. We always keep the pilot on, but it was turned off for about 24 hours. We relit the pilot but now it has a burning smell and set off the smoke detector. Could it be something with the embers or granules? We've had it for 6 years and use it daily with no problems. Thanks

Dear Linda:
I guess one question is why the pilot light was turned off? Do you make any changes or adjustments that could have affected log position, or the pilot? And if your vent has a damper, could this have been moved?
Did you get the smell from just burning the pilot? Or had you turned on the logs as well?
G6 is the vented style of gas logs from Real-Fyre, right?
Here is the toll-free number for RH Peterson, which is the manufacturer of Real-Fyre logs: 800-332-3973, and you could discuss your issues directly with them (or they may want to refer you to a dealer in your area).
But I would suggest checking with them as soon as possible, just to be safe.
Hope this is helpful.