Question Topic
Fireplace (Gas) Fireplace Shuts Down

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Fireplace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about fireplace (gas) fireplace shuts down.

Our majestic fireplace is on for awhile and than goes off. Pilot is still on.

Dear schultz6:
Does your gas fireplace have a thermostat control? If so, it is normal for it to shutoff when the room comes up to the set temperature of the thermostat, and then it automatically comes back on when the temperature in the room drops below the set temperature.
One issue that homeowners sometimes find with gas fireplaces (versus gas logs) is that gas fireplaces are so efficient (especially if they also have a blower) that they heat up a room very quickly and therefore end up cycling on and off frequently. One remedy for this is that some gas fireplaces have attachments that allow you to safely vent heat into other rooms, which allows the fireplace to run longer in the room where it is located.
Hope this is helpful.

No it does not

Dear schultz6:
Since you say that your gas fireplace does not have a thermostat, here are some possible things that could be causing your fireplace to cycle on and off:
1) You could have a high limit on your vent pipe, which is there for safety reasons.
2) Your fireplace door could have a switch that must be in the closed position to operate, and if the door isn't fitting snugly, or if the switch is faulty, then the heat of the fire can move the door, causing the switch to go off. As it cools down, it moves back and makes contact with the switch again.
3) There could be a loose wire somewhere in your system.
4) The pilot light sensor may not be reading the pilot light properly when your fireplace is running up at temperature.
With the exception of possibly the door, the other items are fairly complicated to diagnose and correct, and we would suggest that you have a trained professional inspect your unit.
If it helps, here is the toll-free customer service number for Majestic: 1-800-668-5323