Question Topic
Washing Machine Won't Spin

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Washing Machine, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about washing machine won't spin.

QUESTION FROM Joan and Derek
we have a kenmore top load washer manufactured in 1994. It is a direct drive model 110
It is making a noise and will not spin. I changed the couplers from the motor to the transmission but it is still noisy and will not spin. I found a clip underneath it but do not
know exactly where it came from. Would you have any ideas.

Dear Joan and Derek:
It would be helpful if you could tell us more about the nature of the noise that your washing machine is making while it is not spinning. Is it a humming sound? Is it a grinding sound and your washing is only spinning a little? Or is it not spinning at all?
In general however, here are the problems which could cause a direct drive model washer not to spin:
1. The lid switch is defective, making the washer think that the lid is open.
2. You have clothes wedged in between basket and outer tank.
3. Your lint filter has gotten caught between the wash basket and outer holding tank.
4. Your washer's motor capacitor has gone bad.
5. Worn out clutch.
6. Bad timer switch.
7. Motor has worn out.
8. The cam driver on the basket drive has gotten broken, or the basket drive weak.
9. The notches in your washers drive block have gotten worn out and are not engaging basket drive shaft.
10. You have a broken motor coupling (although this would not apply to you, as you have already changed your coupler).
Hope this is helpful.

what could be the problem with my clothes washer when the clothes do not spin dry?

Dear Judy:
If your clothes are still very wet after the spin cycle but there is little or no visible water, then the washer is not spin drying the clothes. Here are a couple of potential causes for this:
1) If the timer is defective timer, then it would not be allowing the spin cycle to go long enough.
2) There could be a problem with the lid switch. If the lid switch does not engage properly, then the washer will not enter its spin cycle. Try manually depressing the lid plunger or use a magnet (for magnetic plungers) and see if it spins.
3) Too much detergent can cause the machine to have difficulty spinning. Check for build-up of detergent in the bottom, near the agitator.
4) It could be a washer drive belt problem. This is a bit complicated to check. To check your drive belt, first UNPLUG THE ELECTRICAL PLUG OF YOUR WASHER. Then removed the main access pan and check to see if the belt has a lot of play and needs to be tightened. Also check that the pulley is tightly attached to the motor, or if it needs to be tightened. If the belt is worn and frayed looking, then replace it. If the belt still won't turn, then there is a problem in the washer transmission, and you will need to bring in a professional to repair or replace the transmission.
5) Try pushing the agitator down. If it has either gotten loose or worn out, then you will need a new agitator.
6) The washer may have a worn clutch. If this is the case, then you will need to bring in a professional repairman to repair or replace the clutch.
7) Lastly, the spin solenoid could be defective. If this is the case, then you will need to call in a professional repairman.
Hope this is helpful.

QUESTION FROM pat picone
washing machine doesnt discharge water and spins very slow what could it be?

Dear Pat P:
It sounds like your washing machine has a spin problem. Things to check are:
o Test the lid switch
o Test the timer control
o Test the centrifugal switch
o Test the water level switch
o Inspect the motor coupler
o Inspect the drive belt (belt drive only)
o Inspect under the washer for soot (clutch)
o Test the motor
o Inspect the pulley
o Test the transmission
Hope this is helpful.

QUESTION FROM judith anders
what went out on my ge profile wizard if it does not drain and spin and how hard is it to fix?

Dear Judith:
If your washing machine doesn't both pump water out nor spin, first check to see if the motor is running. If you can hear the motor running and it is not spinning inside, then your washer probably has a frozen pump pulley or a broken pump belt or coupling. If this is the case, then you will probably want a trained professional to do this repair for you.
On the other hand, if you do not hear the motor running, then the lid switch may be defective. The lid switch is design to stop the machine from running if the lid is open. So if the lid is closed but your washer does not pump or spin, then the lid switch could be bad. The lid switch is typically found inside the washing machine main housing near the door frame. Often you have to raise or open the top or front of the washing machine to get to the switch to replace it.
Hope this is helpful.