Question Topic
Washing Machine Water Level Issue

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Washing Machine, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about washing machine water level issue.

i have a kenmore washer when the washer is set on low water level the water does not shut off and the tub runs over .an when i see the water is not sutting off i turn the washer off then back on then the water would shut off do you think the water mixing valve is bad?

Dear Jim:
Rather than it being your mixing valve, from what you've described, it sounds like you may have a problem with the water level switch that monitors the level of the water in your tub. It could be the water level switch itself, or it could be the plastic tube that that comes off of the switch has gotten fouled. If you are handy, you can try to work the level switch back and forth to clear it, and clean out the plastic tube. Of course, be sure to unplug your washer before doing any work on it.
Hope this is helpful.