Water Heater (electric)
The Importance of Backflushing Your Water Heater
Would you like to save money on energy, prolong having to replace your water heater, plus improve its safety? Then just remember to ask your service professional to "Please backflush my water heater!" More >
Where Your Home Energy Dollar Goes
Ever wonder where your energy dollars go in your home? This article shows you at-a-glance, so that you can focus on the areas that will give you the biggest bang-for-the-buck for reducing your home energy bill. More >
Low-Cost Ways to Save Energy This Winter
Some energy-saving projects take several years to pay back the cost of doing them. But here are six ways to save energy this winter, that will save you more than their cost in just one heating season! More >
7 Things That Can EXPLODE in Your Home!
If your attitude towards home maintenance is I don't want to know about it, unless it will keep my house from blowing up! . . . then you will love this article and video. More >