Question Topic
Central Air Conditioning Central AC Broken

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Central Air Conditioning, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about central air conditioning central ac broken.

I have an Intra Therm central air unit that stoped working. I replaced the single pole breaker and now when the unit is turned on the breaker is still tripped. I can still run the unit by forcing contact of the breaker and this will allow the unit to run. I have checked all other electrical conections on the unit and can find no other short to cause the breaker to be tripped. Need AC asap please help?

Dear PJRG:
If your air conditioning unit trips immediately after resetting, unfortunately the problem is usually a shorted compressor and it will have to be replaced. I would advise calling a qualified air conditioning technician to identify and repair the problem. In the meantime, I would suggest not running the unit if it is tripping the circuit breaker off, to avoid damage to the unit.
Hope this is helpful.