Question Topic
Furnace (Gas) Changing Air Filter

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Furnace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about furnace (gas) changing air filter.

I am spending my first winter in my home - brick, built in 1938, when I moved in in early spring, a friend installed a programable thermostat for the heating system (furnace, steam radiator). Today, "filter" popped up on the screen - does this refer to changing a filter in the furnace? How is this done? (or what type of professional should I get to do it?)

Dear Nicole:
Yes, many of the good newer programmable thermostats will display a reminder when its time to change the air filter on your furnace.
Regarding your second question, here is a link to a short video that describes how to change a furnace air filter:
As you will see in the video, changing a furnace filter is fairly easy to do, and since you should change them frequently (once a month for some types of filters), this is something that is good to learn how to do yourself.
Hope this is helpful.