Question Topic
Garbage Disposal Won't Turn Off

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Garbage Disposal, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about garbage disposal won't turn off.

My kitchenaid batch feed garbage disposal model kbds250x4 will not turn off. It runs fine. Is it the stopper?

Dear Allen:
I assume that you mean that when you take the stopper out, that the garbage disposal does not automatically turn off, right? If so, what the problem could be is that the plunger for micro-switch for the stopper may be stuck in the "in" position.
What you can try is to remove the disposal so that you have access to the micro-switch, and then clean out the gunk that may be built up around the micro-switch and holding the plunger in. You might also want to try spraying electronic contact cleaner into the micro-switch as well.
However, if you are going to go through the trouble of removing the garbage disposal, you might want to consider ordering a replacement micro-switch from Kitchenaid and just replace the switch entirely.
Hope this is helpful.