Refrigerator Tips for Saving Energy & Food Safety
Your refrigerator is the fourth largest consumer of energy in most homes. This article and video gives you tips for reducing your refrigerator's energy use, and will also help you ensure food safety. More >
Where Your Home Energy Dollar Goes
Ever wonder where your energy dollars go in your home? This article shows you at-a-glance, so that you can focus on the areas that will give you the biggest bang-for-the-buck for reducing your home energy bill. More >
Post-Holiday Detox CheckList for your Kitchen
The holidays can be very hard on your kitchen, and your appliances may be feeling a bit "hungover." January is a great time to "detox" your kitchen, and here is a handy checklist that you can use to get your kitchen appliances back in shape. More >
Oven Energy-Saving Tips
Whether you use your oven every day, or just once in a while, here are some tips that will help you save energy when you are using your oven. And food always tastes best when it costs less to prepare! More >