Routine Care Task
Inspect foundation
Damage to your foundation can cause the house or building to shift and crack.Termite damage can be devastating (see Pest Control).
Timing: May (yearly)
NOTE: The tasks and timings shown here for your Foundation are based on a single-family home located in Massachusetts with a default set of home care goals and priorities.
If you setup your Home-Wizard personal home manager for a different location with different home care goals, your recommended home care program can have different tasks and timings for your {home feature}.
How To

The foundation of your house or building should be checked for the following:
Check foundation walls, floors, concrete, and masonry for any cracking, heaving, or deterioration. Repair as necessary.
Make sure that soil against your foundation is properly graded away from your house. Soil should slope 4-6 inches away from the foundation for a distance of about 3 feet away from foundation walls. Fill in areas where water may puddle against the foundation.
Make sure that the splash pans for the roof gutter downspouts direct water at least 3 feet away from the foundation, and that the water does not drain back against the foundation.
Inspect foundation walls for signs of termites (such as evidence of tunnels or dirt bridges). Check flashing and termite shield. If you suspect termites, contact a professional exterminator.
Inspect where pipes go through the foundation (including in the garage) and caulk and seal as necessary.
If you have wood siding, be sure that no dirt, mulch, shrubs, etc. are touching your wood, as this can become an easy pathway for pests and moisture to enter your home.
Helpful Accessories

Provides maximum U.V. Protection and prevents weather damage
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Directs rain water away from your home's foundation
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The benefits of this task are relatively high. Doing this task can help prevent serious damage to your foundation and by pests, including termites, which can be very costly to eliminate and repair damage from.
Maintaining Value
Allergy Control
Energy Savings
Health & Safety
The cost of this task is very low from an investment of time standpoint. It is estimated that this task should only take about 30 minutes to complete, depending on the size of your house and the amount of shrubbery around your foundation. The task is relatively easy to do, and no specialized tools are required.