Question Topic
Forced Air Heating Cold Air Setting

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Forced Air Heating, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about forced air heating cold air setting.

I always forget which way cold air returns should be set! Is the lower one open in winter and the top close or is it the reverse?

Its a good question.
The way to help keep it straight is to remember that warm air rises. And then depending on the season asking "where do I want the 'unconditioned' air to come from"?
For example, in the winter, since the air near the floor will be cooler near the floor than it will be near the ceiling, and your goal in the winter is to heat the air in the room up, you will want to draw the cool air from near the floor into your heating system so that it will be heated up.
And then alternatively, in the summer, since the air near the ceiling will be warmer than near the floor, and your goal in the summer is to cool the air in the room down, then you will want to draw the warm air from near the ceiling into your air conditioning system so that it will be cooled down.
So "summer ceiling" and "winter floor".
Hope this is helpful.