CO Detectors
Preventing the 5 Most Fatal Home Accidents
Home accidents cause more deaths each year than any other reason except for motor vehicle accidents. This article and video discuss steps you can take around your home to prevent the 5 leading causes of home accident deaths. More >
Protecting Your Family from Deadly Radon Gas
The natural settling of your home over time creates floor cracks which can allow deadly radon gas to come into your house. Nearly 1 out of every 15 homes in the U.S. is estimated to have elevated radon levels. More >
7 Things That Can EXPLODE in Your Home!
If your attitude towards home maintenance is I don't want to know about it, unless it will keep my house from blowing up! . . . then you will love this article and video. More >
Home Fireproofing: Prevention; Detection; Action
Keeping your home and family safe from fires involves focusing on three areas: prevention, detection and taking emergency actions in the case of an actual fire. 400,000 homes catch on fire each year. More >
Choosing the Right Fire Extinguisher
You should definitely have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen, garage, and workshop. This article explains: the different types of fire extinguishers; how to select the right one; and how to properly use them. More >